2 min readJun 17, 2021


Making the right effort

-by anonymous

“There is often a much simpler way of doing things — if you make the effort to look for it.” — by Edward de Bono, a famous Maltese physician, psychologist, author, inventor, philosopher, and consultant. He was indeed the very first person to originate the term lateral thinking. Choosing the right thing to put your effort into can be difficult and can be confusing at times. I once dated a guy, we met on Instagram things were good at the beginning like any other couple we use to meet for lunch dates. Later on, he started to cheat on me and I like a bonehead didn’t do the right thing which I should have done which was break up with him, I kept on making the effort to work things out with him anyway. A few months later my grandparent passed away unexpectedly. The whole situation was an unpleasant experience for me. I lost myself in the process, destroyed my health and my family, wasn’t there for my mom when she needed me and I regret that the most. Later on, I realized that I was not putting the effort in the right direction rather than supporting him I should have been there to support my mom. I stayed with him for the wrong reasons, I stayed because I was not ready to just give up yet. We all make such mistakes right? what importance is do we learn from them or not? Your fate is in your own hands. choosing not to repeat the same mistake is up to you. What you learn from these mistakes is how you choose to represent yourself in the future.

